Living life in optimal mental and physical health is paramount for happiness.
My mission is to share what I have learned over the years so that everyone can be the best version of themselves.
My vision is that everyone can unlock their true potential and start believing in their own visions and goals.
Join me on a transformative journey so that you can experience the benefits of vitality, growth and truly living again.
"Life is for living, not just surviving"
Do You Need Me?
​ Do you feel bloated or suffer from gut issues?
Do you struggle to eat homemade, wholesome food and with meal planning?
Do you experience brain fog?
Do you often feel anxious and stressed over trivial things?
Are you suddenly waking during the night and struggling to go back to sleep?
Are you craving sugary snacks in the evenings?
Do you experience aches and pains after eating certain foods?
Do you feel sleepy after a meal?
Are you losing muscle mass?
Are you gaining weight?
Are you suffering from infertility or hormonal imbalances?
Do you prioritize everyone else over yourself and neglect self-care?
Do you struggle maintaining a work-life balance?
Have you lost your passion for life?
Do you get enough physical activity?
Many of my clients are individuals who have reached a stage in their lives where they face challenges in their physical and mental wellbeing. Some may have maintained unhealthy eating habits from their younger years, leading to issues such as gut problems, inflammatory conditions, and nutritional deficiencies.
Others have gone through life avoiding self-compassion and now recognise the importance of this for their mental wellbeing.
Some clients just need a little help to get on track with exercise and guidance on balancing cardio and strength work, as well as an understanding of the benefits of exercise in preventing mental health issues and disease.
In summary, my clients come from various backgrounds and have different needs, but they all share a common goal: improving their overall health and wellbeing, both physically and mentally.

Get in touch to arrange a virtual or in person consultation - in person available in Teddington SW London...